Update on Company Secretary Dealing, Cancellation of Issue of Equity and Total Voting Rights update
Date30 Jun 2022
Further the Company’s announcement earlier today, pursuant to which shareholders were advised that Gemfields had issued and allotted 1,391,000 new ordinary shares of USD0.00001 each in the Company (“Ordinary Shares”) following the exercise of share options by Toby Hewitt, Gemfields’ Company Secretary and General Counsel, shareholders are advised that Toby Hewitt has cancelled his share options exercise and accordingly the Company has cancelled the issue and allotment of 1,391,000 new Ordinary Shares.
Company Secretary Dealing, Issue of Equity and Total Voting Rights update
Date30 Jun 2022
In accordance with AIM Rule 17, shareholders are advised that Gemfields has issued and allotted 1,391,000 new ordinary shares of USD0.00001 each in the Company (“Ordinary Shares”) following the exercise of share options by Toby Hewitt, Gemfields’ Company Secretary and General Counsel.
Results of Annual General Meeting
Date29 Jun 2022
Shareholders are advised that the Company’s Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) was held today, Wednesday 29 June 2022. All binding resolutions set out in the Notice of Annual General Meeting were passed by the requisite majority of shareholders, other than Special Resolutions 1, 2 & 3. employees.
Issue of Equity and Total Voting Rights update
Date23 Jun 2022
In accordance with AIM Rule 17, shareholders are advised that Gemfields has issued and allotted 401,150 new ordinary shares of USD0.00001 each in the Company (“Ordinary Shares”) following the exercise of share options by group employees.
Record Ruby Auction Results
Date20 Jun 2022
Gemfields is delighted to announce the results of a ruby auction comprised of seven sequential mini-auctions held in Bangkok during the period 30 May – 17 June 2022. The auction delivered all-time high auction revenues for any Gemfields auction and contained a selection of grades that are typically offered at Montepuez Ruby Mining Limitada’s (“MRM”) auctions of mixed quality rubies. Following the viewings, the auctions took place via an online auction platform specifically adapted for Gemfields and which permitted customers from multiple jurisdictions to participate in a sealed-bid process.
Issue of Equity and Total Voting Rights update
Date15 Jun 2022
In accordance with AIM Rule 17, shareholders are advised that Gemfields has issued and allotted 80,000 new ordinary shares of USD0.00001 each in the Company (“Ordinary Shares”) following the exercise of share options by a group employee.
Gemfields Group Limited – Annual General Meeting
Date14 Jun 2022
Further to the Company’s announcement on 29 April 2022, shareholders should note the following in respect of access to the Company’s Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) to be held on Wednesday 29 June 2022 at 10:00 a.m. (British Summer Time) at The Rubens at the Palace, 39-43 Buckingham Palace Road, London, SW1W 0PS, United Kingdom.
Update regarding Cabo Delgado insurgency
Date13 Jun 2022
During the week commencing 6 June 2022, several attacks attributed to insurgent activity occurred in the vicinity of Ancuabe, a town in the Cabo Delgado province of Mozambique. Ancuabe lies approximately 65 kilometres east-north-east of MRM. As such, these attacks are considerably closer to the operations of Montepuez Ruby Mining Limitada (“MRM”), in which Gemfields holds a 75% interest. Most of the earlier insurgent activity has occurred more than 150 kilometres to the north-east of MRM.
Issue of Equity and Total Voting Rights update
Date09 Jun 2022
In accordance with AIM Rule 17, shareholders are advised that Gemfields has issued and allotted 137,520 new ordinary shares of USD0.00001 each in the Company (“Ordinary Shares”) following the exercise of share options by an option holder.
Disclosure of beneficial interests in securities
Date01 Jun 2022
In compliance with AIM Rule 17, shareholders are advised that Gemfields received formal notification on 31 May 2022 from Rational Expectations Proprietary Limited (“Rational Expectations”) that it, combined with related parties, now hold a total of 118,602,785 ordinary shares in the Company, equivalent to 10.03% of the total issued shares in the Company.