Dividend Finalisation
Date08 Apr 2022
Further to the Company’s announcement on 25 March 2022 containing details of the Special Dividend (“Dividend”) declared by Gemfields, notice is hereby given that the dividend, being a gross dividend of approximately USDc 1.70109 per ordinary share, payable from income reserves, will be converted from United States Dollars (USD) to South African Rand (ZAR) and Great British Pounds (GBP) at the below exchange rates on Thursday, 7 April 2022, obtained from currency conversion transactions the Company entered:
- JSE shareholders – USD/ZAR 14.7323, equating to a dividend of approximately ZARc 25.06097 per share
- AIM shareholders – USD/GBP 0.7630, equating to a dividend of approximately GBP pence 1.29785 per share