Nairoto Resources Limitada (Gold)

Nairoto Resources Limitada (“NRL”) is a joint venture between Gemfields Ltd (75%) and Mwiriti Lda (25%), the Group’s existing partner in Montepuez Ruby Mining Limitada (“MRM”). The company became fully functional in January 2020. NRL is the beneficial owner of all 12 licences located about 30 kilometres to the north of the MRM concession, covering an area of 1,958 square kilometres. The licences hold exploration potential for gold (both primary and secondary), ruby and allied minerals.

Under the terms of the JVA, Gemfields will contribute its proven exploration and project development experience together with appropriate financing with a view to building on the successes achieved in Mozambican rubies, where Gemfields and Mwiriti’s collaboration has brought considerable benefits for both the regional economy and local communities.
SRK Exploration Services has been engaged to provide advisory and technical support with an initial focus on secondary gold resources, leading eventually to the identification and evaluation of the primary source.

Nairoto became fully functional in January 2020. Geological mapping and exploratory pitting exercises were being carried out but following the onset of Covid-19 all operations were suspended from May 2020, with only essential services currently in place at camp. The operations resumed in April 2021, with extensive soil sampling across the licence area and trenching in prime target zones identified as a result of data analysis carried out by SRK.

Nairoto is considering a project to set up a 50 tph alluvial gold treatment plant to support the exploration activity more effectively. If constructed, it is planned to be a modular-cum-mobile treatment plant that can be moved to different exploration locations as required.

In June 2024, Nairoto released a Maiden Inferred Mineral Resource Estimate for Target Area 5 (“TL5”) and an Independent Technical Report (“ITR”) on the 2022/2023 Exploration Programme.

Nairoto – Maiden Inferred Mineral Resource Estimate results (TL5 Prospect Area)

  • 1.58 million tonnes of mineralised rock with a gold grade of 2.02 gram per tonne (“g/t”) based on a ‘Low Scenario’ basis, resulting in 103 thousand ounces (“koz”) of gold
  • The Mineral Resource is primary mineralisation, and not part of the soil horizon, and requires professional mining and metallurgical processing rather than an artisanal or ‘dig and pan’ approach for the recovery of gold
  • Inferred Mineral Estimate relates only to the TL5 Prospect Area, covering less than 0.1 square kilometres of the full 1,957 square kilometre licence area
  • Results are based on 20 Reverse Circulation (“RC”) drillholes totalling 1,464 metres (details of which are set out in the Appendix below)

SRK EX have identified 18 priority target locations (which includes TL5), covering a 115 square kilometre area, based on the results of extensive regional soil sampling in conjunction with available geological and geophysical information. Nairoto intends to prioritise exploration in these target areas.

The full ITR is available below, alongside previous reports from 2022:

Covid-19 support

NRL supported the local authorities in combating the pandemic by donating face masks and sanitisation items to the local communities. NRL also assisted the local communities in restoring some of the pre-existing but non-functional hand pumps. As part of the Group’s commitment to conservation and protection of wildlife, NRL signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Quirimbas National Park (“QNP”) to support it in its operations.

Related News and Announcements

Nairoto Gold Project – Maiden Inferred Mineral Resource Estimate for “TL5” and Independent Technical Report Released

Gemfields, a world-leading responsible miner and marketer of coloured gemstones, is pleased to release a Maiden Inferred Mineral Resource Estimate for Target Area 5 (“TL5”) and an Independent Technical Report (“ITR”) on the 2022/2023 Exploration Programme at its gold exploration project in Cabo Delgado, northern Mozambique. The project is housed within Nairoto Resources Limitada (“Nairoto”) which is 75% owned by Gemfields and the analysis was conducted by SRK Exploration Limited (“SRK EX”) with the Inferred Mineral Estimate declared in line with the JORC Code (2012).

Gold Exploration Joint Venture in Mozambique

Gemfields is pleased to announce that it has agreed to establish a joint venture company with Mwiriti Limitada (‘Mwiriti’), a Mozambican registered company, in order to explore and progress opportunities arising from 12 greenfield licences presently held by Mwiriti. The new joint venture company will be incorporated in Mozambique with Gemfields owning 75% and Mwiriti 25%. Mwiriti is Gemfields’ existing partner in Montepuez Ruby Mining Limitada (“MRM”) where Mwiriti also owns 25%.