
King IV Principles

The Group subscribes to the King Code of Governance Principles and the King Report on Governance (“King IV”). The Directors are satisfied that the Group complies with the principles and recommendations of King IV. The Directors carried out a detailed assessment of the principles and recommendations of King IV during the year and fully support its implementation across the Group. The Group adheres to the principles of King IV on an “apply and explain” basis. The King IV register was last updated on 30 April 2024.

Please click here to view the King IV Register’s checklist. 

Diversity Policy

When considering the balance of the Board or the nomination of new members or the appointment of senior executives, the range of skills, knowledge, experience and diversity of existing incumbents is taken into account, including gender and race. The Company seeks to promote diversity at Board level, although it does not set targets in respect of race, age, sexual orientation or gender when making appointments to the Board. The key factors considered are those which will result in the appointment of the best-qualified individuals who can best serve the interests of all the stakeholders of the Company. The Nomination Committee seeks to ensure that the Board has the right balance necessary to carry out its responsibilities in keeping with robust standards of governance.

Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment